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Providence/St. Pat’s Hospital

Please note, ProvConnect is unavailable for additions or changes Monday through Wednesday, the week of payroll.

Start A New Deduction
At the ProvConnect site:
* disable Pop-up block if on
* enter your User Name and Password; click Login
* select For Employees-Self Service 
* select Pay  
* select Direct Deposit
The screen will display your current authorizations.
* click Add button
* click “yes” for statement “I Agree…”
* enter our routing  # 292177877  in the field (lower left-hand of the page). 
* after entering, make sure the Bank Description shows our credit union
* enter your credit union account number (be sure this is correct)
* In description field enter savings
* Click on “savings’ button for account type
* enter amount you want deducted from your paycheck 
* once you have completed your change, click update. 
* be sure to log out  (upper right hand corner) 
If you have any problems, stop by the credit union for assistance
The credit union deduction will be taken from “net pay”.  To review the amounts going 
to your checking/share draft account and the credit union, view your paycheck and 
scroll down to the direct deposit section.
  **Just one amount needed, whether for loans, savings, Christmas Clubs, etc..; because  the 
breakdown is done by the credit union per your prior instructions.**

Change ProvConnect Amount
Refer to the previous instructions. When you are on the current listing of direct deposit authorizations; 
double click on your account number with the credit union.  
* A statement will appear, please read and then click on “I agree with the above statement”. 
* edit screen will pop up; cursive over amount and enter new amount.  
* click update
* once you have completed your change, be sure to log out  (upper right hand corner)

Note -if you want to change the amount(s) for Christmas Clubs, budget shares be sure to email us about the 
change(s) you desire.

Not a Providence Employee?
Check with your employer's payroll department to see if you can set up a direct deposit.
You will need your credit union account number and our ABA#292177877. 
Be sure to indicate deduction is for savings. 

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